martedì 31 agosto 2010

What is an intercultural meeting?

This is a question where they focused our attention. In couple we tried to give a definition and ours was the following: when different cultures stay together ,this meeting is necessary to break the stereotype we have .Than we talked about our cultural conception and cultural pre- understanding/ consideration. In the end, with a good play, we understood that prejudgment is a process that all people have. This is necessary for our mind to facilitate the classification of things and make sense to us.

Living in Copeanghen

When I thought about Copenhagen in my bed at home, I imagined it would have been a cold country as for weather and personality. But as soon as I arrived at the airport I exchanged my opinion. In fact the first thing that surprised me was the silence and order (in the airport). In Italy there are noise and confusion!!! Then, another difference is that there are many people who help you every time for metro, trains and buses.

It was very strange… I thought I was living in another world!!!

Since I arrived, I felt like being at home…of course, I miss my dear friends and my parents…but I feel good!! Here it’s great!

lunedì 30 agosto 2010

First lesson

The first theme to face is a different method of studying. We talked about the similarities and differences among countries. I discussed in a group created with Danish , Holland and Spanish people and I found some things in common with Spain - for example school fees, period of exams, structure of exams - than Denmark and Holland, where types of communication with teachers, number of people in the class, exams during the period of study, etc. are different. It’s very interesting to know various methods of studying because you can take inspiration and modify your point of view.

Why did I choose this University?

I decided to attend this course because I think that Denmark and the other countries of Northern Europe are a step ahead of Italy in the field of education. I chose the International course because it struck me the moment I heard about it . I knew this in internet, and when I saw the site with so many imagines of young happy students, the possibility of an International course in English convinced me completely.
I would like you to do this experience because, above all educators, it’s very important to know the different educational systems and different point of views as for what concerns children. The second reason of my choice was to learn English: it’s a subject I don’t like but it’s important today to know this language for many reasons.

venerdì 27 agosto 2010

Tour of Copenhagen

Today we started to know the city. Tour in the centre, we went to The round tower to see a beautiful panorama of Copenhagen . Then we made a Canal tour in order to admire different places on the river. In the end we went to Christiania that is the area where all people can smoke marijuana or other drugs. This district is an experiment made by the Danish government . It is a bizarre, peculiar and unusual place for me.

giovedì 26 agosto 2010

First Impression

It doesn’t seem true to live in an intercultural classroom in Copenhagen.
It’s very strange, the class is very small, the relationship with teachers is friendly.
In Italy it’s different because the teacher represent the “authority of school” and the student is similar to an “employee of or a robot of study”.
Here the way of teaching follows different methods: in fact there are lots of discussions in small groups, work groups, exchange of views, sum up and finally there is the explanation of theory.