As job prospects, I think that, in my community, it is necessary to start from primary school to implement an intercultural project. Actually, a large percentage of children are foreigners ( from Romania, Ghana, China..) so it's necessary to try to develop ,in these children, “other attitudes”. The difficulty we encounter is that often, resources and "the courage or desire of some teachers" to get involved and create a stimulating and inclusive program for all, lack.
Many teachers are taken from anxiety to finish the program of the ministry, it doesn't matter what kind of needs or class-problems are in front of him. About what concerns the lack of resources, I mean that it would be nice if the teacher from the early days ,at least, would be supported by an interpreter or a mediator just to know the parents who may have different needs. For example,the fact that the child does not speak Italian and then therefore it would be usefull to create projects or games that allow you to develop a greater awareness of their values, a dynamic and understanding comparison of differences and finally a flexible definition of their identity boundaries. The teacher must pay attention, at the same time, to the risk that his intercultural learning does not take the perspective of "doing good" aliens are like us, are good, sometimes a little kinder to us, the difficulties arise ...he should be able to give life to a thought that is oriented not so much, in the ethics of good intentions (act ,so that, your action is good and also what can happen), but in the ethics of responsibility (so that your good deed has good consequences too).
I would like completing my brief essay with this citation:
"Like to learn from everything that you do not know why the humility you can participate in the possession of that good special that nature has given to every single human being. It will be wiser than all the one who wanted to learn something from everyone who receives something from everyone, ends up being the richest of all.
Do not underestimate, therefore, any form of knowledge, because science has any value. If time does not exempt you from reading the books that will occur: (...) there is a script that does not propose something interesting, if it is examined in due time and place (...).
(...) Do not neglect any science, you will strive to learn something from everyone happy. then when you reach a certain level of education, do not despise anyone, you may wish to adopt this behavior."
cit: "Ugo di San Vittore, Didascalicon, Rusconi, Milano 1987, pag. 138. Si tratta dell’edizione curata da Vincenzo Liccaro del trattato pedagogico che il maestro vittorino, nato intorno al 1096 e morto nel 1141, avrebbe scritto prima del 1125, quando aveva tra i 25 e i 30 anni."
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