sabato 4 settembre 2010

ThReE dAyS iN cAmPpPpP

Wow!!! The University had programmed 3 days in Camp…a good opportunity to share your opinions with other people in your group, to know each others better and to talk about the intercultural understanding. The workshop was based on two lecture. During the lecture of the first text I found this quoting very interesting: “you can be born one race and die another” by Michael Omi. I share the meaning of this statement because nowadays, thanks to globalization, you can change lots of things, lots of thoughts and become another person!!! The second day I discovered that, besides the usual concept of culture - that is a set of tradition, habits, ritual, etc. - exists another aspect: dynamic. Usually we don’t think that it is a part of culture itself!!! Concerning to the second lecture Hmog, I think that sometimes also the doctors, that should be the most interested in people’s health, follow the medicine routine without real consideration for the person in front of them. Finally, with a beautiful draw play, the tutors explained to us a theory of communication.
I think that nowadays the situation in Italy is getting worse and worse. We study only theory, without knowing then how to apply it into practice. Here the lessons are completely different: first we focus our attention to some practical examples so that we can understand the theory better and only after that the theory is introduced and elucidated.
Besides this, during the camp we enjoyed cooking for all the people: we had a lot of fun preparing our traditional dishes during the International dinner Thursday night (everybody from different countries had to prepare their own traditional dishes).
Giovanna and I prepared: one caprese with crostini, pasta with tomato and mozzarella and finally a lot of small pizza. Of course the Italian food was one of the first to be finished: we are good cooks!!!!

Finally, before the conclusion of this great experience, the tutor asked everyone two questions:
What was good? I think all was good because is a new experience for me to live in an intercultural class, at first impression I had good pals of adventure, very friendly and helpful.
What are your difficulties? English language is for me a big problem, I understand the general sense of lessons but sometimes I don’t understand everything. I had a lot of difficulties to speak but this place seems magic, a lot of people help you to explain, especially the teachers. It’s such an amazing experience because even if on the one hand I feel unable to communicate, on the other hand I’m not afraid to make mistakes and that’s the important.

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